Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sick Powder day on Monday!! There was nobody up there! Hey, scott, I dropped this cliff and stuck it, it was pretty sweet. You should try it if you ever come over.


Isabella said...

Sweet mark. It looks.. snowy. That's great that you got to go skiing!!

Isabella said...

HI MARK YOU ARE A CRAZY GOOD SKIER!!!!! Good job at being amazing at skiing. I'm very impressed. And by the way. I only write long comments if the post is long.. don't complain. .

The Elledges said...

yeah! a post finally! Maybe it will randomly snow ten feet in may while I'm there, then you can show me around the new area of Bridger. that would be awesome. thanks for calling me sunday! that was also awesome.

Scott said...

marcus, you're making me jealous with all of the powder. I've been watching the daily bridger bowl snow videos and it looks like you guys have been getting pounded the last couple of weeks. going skiing next weekend up tuckermann's ravine, should be fun.

The Elledges said...

not bad for a starter cliff. my cliff was bigger than that.

- Scotty

Mark said...

don't worry, I dropped a bigger one on friday so I might be coming close to you now. and I got it on video so once I get that from my friend I'll post it. when you come in may we can hike up and hit it.

Savvy Rose said...

Good job Mark! You're such an amazing skiier! I'm impressed! (Just like Izzy) and I bet you did a great job @ today's track meet! Good Job!